Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Doctor's visit

Okay! So we may sound like over-protective/paranoid new parents but Kaylah got a bug bite of some sort on her arm on Sat. It was just big and red at first, but then yesterday it got full of pus and seemed a little more swollen. Today made the fifth day and it hadn't gone away yet. So we took her to the doctor today...only to have her tell us it was a regular insect bite. She said the rule of thumb is if you can rub it and the baby doesn't have any discomfort then its just an insect bite. But if you rub it and the baby reacts in pain, then its probably a more serious bite or sting like from a spider. Good to know. But we needed to be sure, right? So we also found out she weighs 16 lbs and 10 oz and is 25.5 inches long. She's agrowin! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McKaylah's Baptism

This is a short clip of McKaylah's baptism. She did really well through the whole thing until we had to lean her back and Father Dean poured the water on her head. She got a little fussy, but she was happy once that part was over. We missed all of you who couldn't attend.

Bath Time at the Hernandez House

Kaylah "kissing" her little rubber ducky. More like eating it's bill. Yum!

Her favorite bath time toy is now the red plastic cup we use to pour water on her.

Since Kaylah has starting teething, she puts everything in her mouth including but not limited to this red cup. She kept sucking on the rim so it looked like she was trying to drink from it. lol!

Kaylah usually ends her bath with an ear to ear grin which we were hoping to capture. However the moment she saw the camera she just stared. Great shot of those beautiful eyes though. :)