Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kaylah's 1st Birthday Party

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Face!

Kaylah Quinn

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hats off to Kaylah!

Kaylah and Grandpa Mick
Kaylah sporting Great Aunt Nancy's special hat.

Kaylah wearing Great Grandpa Edwards old Stetson hat.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I was getting Kaylah ready for bed and I bent down to kiss her and she decided to pull my glasses off. This has become a daily game for her.

Aunt Nikki feeding Kaylah. Kaylah just starting holding the bottle on her own.

I must say that the ExerSaucer is a lifesaver. Now that Kaylah is alert and looking to be entertained more, its more difficult to get things done, but this is most helpful. :)
This is Kaylah eating her foot as I tried to get her ready for bed. Yum!

So...Kaylah has her first tooth. We stumbled upon it quite by accident. She had a plastic toy in her mouth and Romie heard a little 'clink' sound. So she felt her gum and sure enough, we have a little bottom tooth. Explains her elevated fussiness. The funniest new development has been feeding Kaylah rice cereal. She either spits it out or blows bubbles on the spoon. We are currently on the hunt for a good highchair if anyone has suggestions. We have been feeding her in her Bumbo chair but her pudgy little legs won't allow that too much longer. :These are just some random pictures from the last month. None with the tooth showing though.

Family Portaits

Love, love, love these! Kaylah may get my eyes after all!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Doctor's visit

Okay! So we may sound like over-protective/paranoid new parents but Kaylah got a bug bite of some sort on her arm on Sat. It was just big and red at first, but then yesterday it got full of pus and seemed a little more swollen. Today made the fifth day and it hadn't gone away yet. So we took her to the doctor today...only to have her tell us it was a regular insect bite. She said the rule of thumb is if you can rub it and the baby doesn't have any discomfort then its just an insect bite. But if you rub it and the baby reacts in pain, then its probably a more serious bite or sting like from a spider. Good to know. But we needed to be sure, right? So we also found out she weighs 16 lbs and 10 oz and is 25.5 inches long. She's agrowin! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

McKaylah's Baptism

This is a short clip of McKaylah's baptism. She did really well through the whole thing until we had to lean her back and Father Dean poured the water on her head. She got a little fussy, but she was happy once that part was over. We missed all of you who couldn't attend.