Monday, March 31, 2008

Easter Sunday

Romie, Michael, Matt, and Roland holding the baby.
Are those eyes we see?!

The Hernandez Cousins

The Divis Clan

The only picture of all 3 of us together so far.


"Hi. My name is McKaylah and I am awake...sometimes."

Our Lucky Charm!

McKaylah's little beanie and outfit both have "Lucky Charm" embroidered on them. Its fitting. I like this photo of her in her beanie, striking a pose, and blowing bubbles.

Here's McKaylah in her St. Patty's Day outfit. Matt actually bought it for her a few months ago. Since she was supposed to be due in March he wanted to bring her home from the hospital in this. It obviously didn't work out that way which is just as well as it would have been too big. lol!

You ShamROCK!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Feeling Froggy!

So, those of you who know me, know I'm a frog person. That being said I had to buy this pajama outfit for McKaylah. It's newborn sized but she just finally has grown into it. It's a cute pink one piece with little hopping frogs all over it and the feet are little frogs. She seemed to love it so I'm going to try to find some more with the feet. She's shown sleeping (as usual) here in her new Boppy vibrating bouncy chair. She loves it although it's a little too big for her.

Our first little girl's day out!


Lindsey and I went out to lunch at Logan's Roadhouse and thankfully McKaylah slept thru the whole thing in her carrier. She still sleeps all day and is awake all night. I decided to take advantage of it and have a little outing. She was great!

Look at that smile! Lindsey was holding McKaylah when all of a sudden she just became all grins. I snapped the first photo and then a few minutes later she was grinning again and I got this second shot!
The outfit McKaylah is wearing here is a cute little newborn sized one piece that we bought to bring her home from the hospital in. However she was way too little for anything but newborn onesies. Now she's almost 4 weeks old and it is still too big on her! She's practically swimming in it! lol! This is the first outfit she's worn since she was born that isn't a onesie. In fact, she has just outgrown preemie diapers. She's not a preemie but newborn diapers were way too big! Our little one is starting to grow! :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Anybody think to read the directions?

Why is it so difficult for men to read directions? I know it's an age old question that tends to stereotype men but it seems true for a few of the men in my life. Matt and Eric were putting McKaylah's crib together on Sunday, March 08, 2008, and they had to do, undo, and redo parts of it several times, all because they were solely looking at the pictures. Nikki and I kept asking them to read the directions and finally after painfully watching them try to figure some of it out, we had to step in and read the directions for them. It was funny! Especially when they still put it together wrong and they had to undo it after we had told them how to do it correctly. It was a lot of fun and both Matt and I were really happy that they were able to help us put it together. Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure. Now the dresser does have a crack in it so we are waiting for the company to repair it.

I will post more pics when the room is done! :)

McKaylah's first tub bath!

March 11, 2008. McKaylah got her first tub bath since her umbilical cord fell off. Not too much of a surprise, she slept thru it for the most part. She whimpered a little when we had to sit her up to wash her back but other than that her beauty sleep went undisturbed. LOL! She sends her thanks to Aunt Emily, Uncle Michael, and her cousins for the cute pink tub. It was great and she was obviously comfortable.

Friday, March 7, 2008

McKaylah with the Divis men

Uncle Taylor,
Uncle Joseph,

and Grandpa Mick.

They visited us in Austin for about 4 hours and she slept through the whole time. LOL!

My sweet baby girl!

We keep trying to get a picture of McKaylah smiling. She smiles all the time but they are often so quick to come and go that it's hard to catch. We snapped this picture as her smile was fading.
She looks like such an angel here. She is so peaceful.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

McKaylah with Aunt Nikki

Here's Nikki feeding McKaylah on 03/01/08.

Monday, March 3, 2008

More pictures!

Here is a photo of Mark, Romie, Roland, Matt, and McKaylahwhen she was just 6 days old.

Here she is sleeping in her bassinet. She prefers to sleep on her side rather than her back. Anyone else think she favors Matt? She definately has a head of hair. Her eyes are a dark grayish blue color now. We are excited to see what color she ends up with.

I snapped this picture of Matt and McKaylah napping on the bed. They are so cute! They must have slept that way for an hour.

McKaylah's Birthday!

McKaylah Quinn Hernandez was born on February 25, 2008 at 7:13pm. She weighed in at 6 lbs 13 ozs. She's beautiful, happy, and most importantly, healthy. I'm waiting for some more pictures from the time we were in the hospital. We don't really have any good ones on our camera since Matt was a little preoccupied in the delivery room. But he was able to snap this one.