Friday, March 14, 2008

Anybody think to read the directions?

Why is it so difficult for men to read directions? I know it's an age old question that tends to stereotype men but it seems true for a few of the men in my life. Matt and Eric were putting McKaylah's crib together on Sunday, March 08, 2008, and they had to do, undo, and redo parts of it several times, all because they were solely looking at the pictures. Nikki and I kept asking them to read the directions and finally after painfully watching them try to figure some of it out, we had to step in and read the directions for them. It was funny! Especially when they still put it together wrong and they had to undo it after we had told them how to do it correctly. It was a lot of fun and both Matt and I were really happy that they were able to help us put it together. Here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure. Now the dresser does have a crack in it so we are waiting for the company to repair it.

I will post more pics when the room is done! :)


Hernandez Family said...

Way to go Matt and Eric! What a beautiful crib.

NikkiG said...

lol.. men.. can't ever read directions...what is it an ego thing? what shall we do with them.