Monday, June 30, 2008

McKaylah's 4 month well check

Ok.  So we went to see the doctor for Kaylah's 4 month well check and shots.  She weighed in at a whole 14 lbs 8 oz and 24 inches long!  She's growing!  The hard part were the shots.  She cried and I cried.  It's so hard.  Anyways, we gave her Tylenol for the pain and she slept... a lot!  She was out from around 9:30pm until around 8am the next morning.  And she slept in her crib so I frequently kept getting up to make sure she was still covered up or laying on her back or breathing for that matter.  I'm still paranoid when she sleeps in her crib and I don't hear her for a long time.  The tough part was that next morning.  She felt warm so we took her temp and it was around 99.6.  And it just kept going higher and higher even though we gave her Tylenol every 4 hours as directed.  It finally hit 100.6 and we called the nurse at the doctor's office who gave us some instructions that helped.  We gave her some cool milk and kept her undressed.  We were about to give her a cool bath when her temp finally started to break.  Everyone says it's not a big deal until they hit 101 but it was her first and technically if you rounded up.... anyways... She's good and healthy and right on target for her age.  That's all we could ask for.  :)


Hernandez Family said...

Bless her little heart! I know how you feel about the shots - I still get tears in my eyes, and this is my 4th one ;)

Looks like she is still a great sleeper - you lucky dogs!

See you this weekend :0)