Thursday, November 15, 2007

It's Thursday again!

And who knew it would come again so quick!

This past weekend Matt and I drove to Houston to visit Mariah, Troy, and Grayden. It was a great trip as it allowed us to unwind and relax. That is once we actually got there. Since my new car in unequipped with navigation we got “lost” a few times. Actually I wouldn’t say we got lost, but Matt does. We ended up on a road Matt wasn’t familiar with and he freaked out about it. I was fine but then again I wasn’t driving. The road led us exactly where we had to go so it wasn’t a big deal, but we did get turned around in Houston because the road we needed was not clearly marked. Seriously, I think most drivers in Houston are nuts. Just a personal opinion/observation. No offense to those partial to Houston...

Today's Thursday happening...

I spent the day shopping for maternity clothes with Romie. We had a lot of fun! I was surprised only because usually I get really exhausted and hungry, but I think the cold front helped (it is currently 58 outside). And we spent the entire time chatting away. We went to JC Penny's, Sams, Motherhood Maternity, and USA BABY. Roland joined Romie and I at USA BABY which was neat because I was showing them the crib that Matt and I really liked. I really appreciate their willingness to put forth their opinions because in the end we actually found a set that was of better quality and just as beautiful. Can't wait till we can order it because the sooner we order it the sooner we get it. And Baby stuff is quickly accumulating and I am so eager to get her room set up! One thing we did talk about at lunch was how lucky she (Baby) was going to be to have family close by. She is one lucky ducky! lol!